Service providers

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SART agencies provide services or supports to victims of sexualized assault. Have a look at our resources to help you with your work.


What We Heard report

View the results of engagement on expanding Sexualized Assault Response Team (SART) services to rural Yukon communities.

Whitehorse SART Protocol

The protocol identifies best practices for agencies that provide services to victims of sexualized assault.

The document is victim-centred and focuses on their needs, rights, and making informed choices. Following the protocol's guidelines:

  • reduces victim retraumatization;
  • supports interagency collaboration, referrals and information sharing; and
  • reduces the duplication of steps and services, as well as the workload for each agency.

The protocol offers:

  • a complete approach to fight gender-based and sexualized violence; and
  • ensures continuity of care across all stages of the process.

View the complete Whitehorse SART Protocol.

There are also protocol quick reference guides available: 

Agency resources

The following documents provide at-a-glance information on SART for collaborating agencies.

Training resources

SART provides training resources for agencies and partners. Find a list of courses here.

You will need to create an account to access this training resource. Find information on how to create your account.

Transportation resources

Transportation options are available to support victims of gender-based violence, sexualized violence and anti-2SLGBTQ+ violence who need to escape unsafe situations. Find a list of transportation options.